Paralympics opens with a big bang
A glowing, celestial sphere descended into the middle of a giant central umbrella structure, igniting the ‘big bang’, of which Hawking has written extensively.
A notebook of useful things
A glowing, celestial sphere descended into the middle of a giant central umbrella structure, igniting the ‘big bang’, of which Hawking has written extensively.
Scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies have created an Arepo simulation that has created the most accurate re-enactment of the universe to date.
Writing the Book in DNA | Harvard Medical School
700 terabtyes of data storage in 1 gram. George Church, the Robert Winthrop Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and a founding core faculty member of the Wyss Institute for Biomedical Engineering at Harvard University, and his team encoded the book, Continue reading
India is heading for Mars: it doesn’t need British aid money to pay the bills – Telegraph.
Demonocracy is an interesting little site which provides graphics for visualising all those hard-to-visualise economic data. Here for instance are the trillions of dollars of debt owned by eleven of the world’s top debtor nations, stacked in 100-dollar bills.
Fortune Magazine published this map of undersea internet data infrastructure around the globe. Continue reading
Der Spiegel published a chart showing the effects of a breakup of the euro. Will it ever come to this?
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